Grażyna Łukasik

Grażyna Łukasik



For Grażyna, the motivation to volunteer at the Raben Apiary was the desire to learn more about bee habits and their needs, so that she could protect them better and help them in their short but very busy lives.

For her, the biggest value of volunteering at the Raben Apiary is making friends with bees. According to Grażyna, working at the Apiary gives you the opportunity to move to another world, it relaxes your mind and allows you to take a break from the current affairs. Grażyna's friends are impressed when they see photos of her with a frame full of honey and bees. When they ask about it, she is happy to answer their questions, and in the process, she encourages them to build houses for insects - especially bees which do not produce honey but are useful because they pollinate flowers, which then produce fruit and vegetables.

Tomasz Wardowski

Tomasz Wardowski



Tomasz was motivated to participate in the Drive to Bee project by his curiosity about beekeeping and his moving to the countryside which seriously stimulated his thoughts about setting up his own apiary.

What he values most about being a volunteer is the opportunity to work at the hives, contact with the beekeeper taking care of the Apiary and completely new knowledge about bees. Thanks to the program, he discovered his passion for beekeeping, expanded his interest in this area and increased his awareness of the importance of all-year-long assistance we should provide to these beneficial pollinators.

Jakub Krzewina

Jakub Krzewina



Jakub decided to join Drive to Bee because he loves nature, has a soft spot for honey and dreams about his own apiary.

The greatest value of volunteering at the Raben Apiary for him is the opportunity to combine work with passion, as well as the chance to integrate and work closely with other employees, he hasn’t had daily contact with before. He is motivated by the real effect of his work and the awareness that he is doing something good for the environment. His only fear is that he will get seriously infected with the bee fever virus :)

Sylwia Jaworska

Sylwia Jaworska



For Sylwia, bees were a completely mystery, an unchartered territory so to speak. For this reason, she was keen to take part in the Drive to Bee campaign where she could explore it as she is aware of how important these small insects are in human life.

She was also keen to meet like-minded people with an equally positive attitude to bees, with whom she could share knowledge. The greatest value of the Drive to bee project for Sylwia is the possibility to explore the stages of bee life, how they function, and the process of making honey - she found it all extremely fascinating and interesting. Sylwia admits that her perception of the role of beekeeping has completely changed since joining the program. She shares her knowledge with her family who listen to her stories and watch her videos with great interest. Sylwia hopes that perhaps the project will go viral and similar ones will be implemented in other companies or organizations. She believes that the more people with a positive attitude towards bees, the more we all gain.

Paweł Barański

Paweł Barański



Paweł has been interested in beekeeping for a long time, he just needed the right impulse to take it a step forward. Fortunately, the Drive to Bee program came along and gave him the motivation to act.

The greatest value of the project for Paweł is its educational aspect and the increase of general awareness about the nature around us. If we don't start taking care of it, nothing will change. According to Paweł, it is best to start changes from yourself and that’s the reason why, as a volunteer of the Raben Apiary, he develops, shares his knowledge with his family and friends and meets new people interested in beekeeping. He stresses that his priorities have also changed since joining the Drive to Bee program.

Szymon Jarmuszkiewicz

Szymon Jarmuszkiewicz



He decided to participate in the Raben Drive to bee program because, both privately and professionally, he is interested in environmental protection, and he really wanted to be a part of a valuable project which has a real, positive impact on the natural environment.

In his opinion, the greatest value of this action is learning about bees and their habits because gaining experience in looking after bees is a good introduction to starting your own mini apiary. Szymon’s daughters love hearing his accounts of the visits to the Apiary. They begin to understand that bees are our friends, and that the honey in the jar doesn't come from the store but from the hard work of insects that need to be looked after.

Paweł Beczek

Paweł Beczek



He used to keep ants as a hobby and now he has 3 mygalomorphs, so he decided that perhaps it is time to keep bees.

The greatest value of this project for Paweł is the opportunity to test himself as a beekeeper and to make a decision whether to set up his own hive. Paweł, we believe in you and your drive for wildlife. Don’t think about it too much, just go for it! Good luck!

Paweł Talkowski

Paweł Talkowski



He joined the Drive to Bee volunteer team because he believes that by working together, we can do so much more. Paweł has been trying to support initiatives to protect these beneficial pollinators for several years now.

Participating in this volunteer project is a natural consequence of his interests and an opportunity to learn something new. The greatest value of the project for him is the realization how important part of our immediate environment bees and their work are, and how responsible the mission they perform every day is. While volunteering at the Apiary, he understood how grim our future would be if bees disappeared from the ecosystem. Participation in this project raised many questions among Paweł's friends. During conversations, he tries to tell them how they can help bees in their daily work. In his opinion, it really doesn't take much effort and, as we all know, bees can repay you in a really sweet way ☺

Paulina Szweda

Paulina Szweda



The driving force behind Paulina's participation in the Drive to Bee program was her great love of insects, especially pollinators, and her desire to learn more about their lives and habits.

Paulina hasn’t been disappointed - the bee world and the everyday life of these insects fascinated her enormously. She sees the greatest value in Raben's action in the possibility to be close to bees and gain knowledge about them. She also appreciates the sustainable way of keeping bees and the ecological approach visible in the activities of the Raben Apiary, which takes into account the future of insects and concern for their well-being. The Drive to Bee program has also had a positive impact on Paulina's garden, which has become more bee-friendly, as well as on her friends' knowledge about bees - she tells them stories of the Apiary on every possible occasion.

We would give up any amount of honey for your unique Super Drive. What if it also benefited the bees?